Our Expertise

Operating a restaurant, or bar is more than just selling food & alcohol. It is strategic science that requires proficiencies in a multitude of various arenas. Some owners have the food & bar background, but not the business administration. Some have the business background, but not the service element. What makes EPM so effective & unique, is that we are experts in all areas that make a hospitatlity business successful & highly profitable, by training owners & managers on implementing these proven methods to achieve financial success!

P & L Analysis

In order to run a profitable business, you must be an expert in analyzing your P&L. This will give you a roadmap of where your cost savings opportunities lie & what areas you are underperforming. This is EPM’s highest efficiency & mastering this skill will show instant rewards.

New venue openings

Opening a new restaurant, or bar is a very stressful & time consuming edeavor. There are multiple areas of concentration that are happening simultaneously & knowing the proper timelines of what to do when and making the correct decissions can make the difference between a successful launch, or one that is constantly fighting deadlines.

Operations management

Everything from staff hiring, training & scheduling, to determining hours of operation product selection & pricing has a strategy & must be decided with expert deliberation, always while thinking about maximizing profit potential.

Vendor Procurement

Selecting the right vendors & products has a huge Impact on your costs & ultimately your profitablity. We will look at all of your vendours & determine if there are better options out there that can either improve your offering quality & or reduce your overall costs.

Cost Management

Setting food & liquor cost goals & creating menus that will allow you to attain those goals is a critical part of overall profitability. But that’s just a portion of a restaurant & bar’s overall monthly costs. We will analyze all of your controllable & operating expenses to maximize all profit earning potential.

Business Administration

It is imperative that owners & managers fully understand all the inner workings of a restaurant and bar. An effective operator should know every dollar that comes in & every dollar that goes out. Truly knowing your business & keeping proper business practices & records will insure that this is happening. We will implement multiple cost control & other administrative worksheets to insure optinal business acumen.

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